[WebMin] Setting up DNS on a Linux Dedicated Server

Here is a 2-part video tutorial on setting up DNS on a Linux Dedicated Server using the WebMin Panel.

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Git, Mercurial and Bazaar – A Comparison

Open-source Version Control Systems have come a long way since the days of CVS. SVN, one of the most successful VCS to be ever used,  is now loosing its ground to a new genre of VCS known as DVCS or Distributed Version Control Systems. A DVCS or Distributed Version Control System is a version control software where each working copy contains the full history of all the revisions, thereby making it a fully functional code-base repository and a remote backup to the original code-base. With the increasing size of teams working on the same code-base, the need for DVCS was apparent. We are going to compare the three most popular open-source DVCSs – i.e. Git, Mercurial and Bazaar.

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3 Ways to setup CDN like service for your blog for free

A CDN or a Content Delivery Network is a system which can enhance the performance of a web-site by delivering its static content from different geographic locations, typically locations closest to the client’s location. Commercial CDN services from Akamai et al. are pretty expensive for amateur bloggers/web-site owners. Amazon S3 can also provide CDN like functionality for hosting static files but misses some key functionality of a CDN like gzip content-encoding and cache-control. We are going to discuss three ways in which we can have a CDN like service for a web-site/blog.

Read more on 3 Ways to setup CDN like service for your blog for free…

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[Benchmark] Apache 2, Cherokee, LigHTTPd, Nginx Benchmarked with Static Files, PHP5 Script and WordPress

Here is a three fold comparison between the four major webservers: Apache 2, Cherokee, LigHTTPd and Nginx. We will compare standard static file service capabilities of each of the servers. Next, we will compare their individual performance with PHP (mod_php in-case of Apache 2 and PHP5-FPM in-case of others) and finally with that of WordPress.

Read more on [Benchmark] Apache 2, Cherokee, LigHTTPd, Nginx Benchmarked with Static Files, PHP5 Script and WordPress…

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[How To] Setup Cherokee with PHP5 FPM

In this “how to” we will see how to setup cherokee on Ubuntu with PHP5-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager). Although the cherokee CookBook claims that “If PHP-fpm binaries are found, those will be prioritized over the regular binaries.”  it turns out that the latest stable version of cherokee in Launchpad gives errors while enabling it. So here is the work around.

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[How To] Back up your Server Data to Amazon S3

With the advent of the cloud computing, storage has become extremely cheap. We can use this storage to keep backups of our data and keep them safe from any potential data loss disaster. One such extremely cost-effective solution is Amazon S3. Some of the pros of S3 are:

Read more on [How To] Back up your Server Data to Amazon S3…

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Cloud Computing – An Insight

Everyone is talking of ‘Cloud Computing’. While, some claim it to be the biggest transformation in IT allowing access to seemingly limitless power of computing, others believe it to be extreme ”marketing hype campaign” .

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Welcome to TechTatva!

TechTatva is a weblog dedicated to posting on Cloud Computing, Cloud Based services and Scalable Web Infrastructures. Now there are hundreds of fantastic posts about them on the Internet already, but what we bring you are born out of pure experience straight from our workstations. Also, watch out for loads of personal insights, tips, tricks and breakthroughs on website/server maintenance plus the best out of our daily grind.

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