Monthly Archives: September 2010

[WebMin] Setting up DNS on a Linux Dedicated Server

Here is a 2-part video tutorial on setting up DNS on a Linux Dedicated Server using the WebMin Panel.

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Posted in Tutorials, Video Tutorials | Tagged , , , , | 7 Comments

Git, Mercurial and Bazaar – A Comparison

Open-source Version Control Systems have come a long way since the days of CVS. SVN, one of the most successful VCS to be ever used,  is now loosing its ground to a new genre of VCS known as DVCS or Distributed Version Control Systems. A DVCS or Distributed Version Control System is a version control software where each working copy contains the full history of all the revisions, thereby making it a fully functional code-base repository and a remote backup to the original code-base. With the increasing size of teams working on the same code-base, the need for DVCS was apparent. We are going to compare the three most popular open-source DVCSs – i.e. Git, Mercurial and Bazaar.

Read more on Git, Mercurial and Bazaar – A Comparison…

Posted in Comparisons | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 23 Comments

3 Ways to setup CDN like service for your blog for free

A CDN or a Content Delivery Network is a system which can enhance the performance of a web-site by delivering its static content from different geographic locations, typically locations closest to the client’s location. Commercial CDN services from Akamai et al. are pretty expensive for amateur bloggers/web-site owners. Amazon S3 can also provide CDN like functionality for hosting static files but misses some key functionality of a CDN like gzip content-encoding and cache-control. We are going to discuss three ways in which we can have a CDN like service for a web-site/blog.

Read more on 3 Ways to setup CDN like service for your blog for free…

Posted in Tips and Tricks | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

[Benchmark] Apache 2, Cherokee, LigHTTPd, Nginx Benchmarked with Static Files, PHP5 Script and WordPress

Here is a three fold comparison between the four major webservers: Apache 2, Cherokee, LigHTTPd and Nginx. We will compare standard static file service capabilities of each of the servers. Next, we will compare their individual performance with PHP (mod_php in-case of Apache 2 and PHP5-FPM in-case of others) and finally with that of WordPress.

Read more on [Benchmark] Apache 2, Cherokee, LigHTTPd, Nginx Benchmarked with Static Files, PHP5 Script and WordPress…

Posted in Benchmarks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 13 Comments